There are a few tools that are useful for quick and dirty visualization.
sparklines is a small tool (and python module) for quick numeric visualization:
seq 10 | gshuf | sparklines
Progress bars in pipes¶
Sometimes I am sending a lot of data through a pipeline, and I’d like to have an idea of how quickly it is proceeding, or if it’s still going at all.
There’s a useful command that I discovered for this called pv. brew install pv
or apt-get install pv
seq 50111222 | pv -lapbet | wc -l
23.1M 0:00:07 [3.29M/s] [ <=>
pv can produce a little curses progress meter that updates as you go. It has a lot of formatting options, including the lines format, the default bytes format, ETA and other goodies.
You can also create a trivial monitor in perl:
# print the line number ever 1MM lines
perl -pE'say STDERR $. if $. % 1_000_000 == 0'